Contact us

If you like to check if we have in store what you are looking for, you are welcome to walk in or give us a call. Our landline number for each shop is listed below and you can also phone or whatsapp Eugene on his cellphone: +27 79 600 3219. We are happy to answer your questions!

If you like to keep updated or stay informed about our photography and computer specials, please connect to The Photo Shop facebook page. We appreciate your support!

Wishing you a blessed day. Thanks for your support. Hope to see you in St Lucia or Underberg!



The Photo Shop, 77 Mckenzie
street, St Lucia, 3936
035-5901137 | 079-6003219

The Photo Shop, shop 23,
12 Sani Road, Underberg, 3257
033-7010036 | 079-6003219